Peer Wellness Facilitator

Apply to be a Peer Wellness Facilitator *

*The Duck Nest is not hiring Peer Wellness Facilitators for the 2024-2025 academic year. As such, there will be no applications for Winter 2024.

The University Health Services “Duck Nest” programming is supported by Peer Wellness Facilitators.

UO Duck Nest Peer Wellness Facilitators (PWFs) work to support peer-to-peer programming for UO students related to stress management, mind-body balance, food security, sexual health, and more!

Students must apply and be accepted to the PWF program (Winter term), and must complete the PWF training requirements (Spring term).

Trained PWFs can volunteer during the following Fall, Winter and Spring terms (PWFs do not volunteer over the Summer term).

Click here to learn more about the Duck Nest and Peer Wellness Facilitators.

Complete your Fieldwork Experience Requirement

The Global Health minor program supports students in using their time in as a Peer Wellness Facilitators (PWF) to satisfy their Global Health minor Fieldwork Experience requirement.

After you have applied and been trained as a PWF, you must register for an individualized study course (GLBL 409) associated with your volunteer hours in order to satisfy the credit requirements for the Field Work Experience.

Registration Details and Deadlines

If you have successfully completed your PWF training and you would like to register for “GLBL 409: Practicum” during one of your PWF volunteer terms in order to use your volunteer work as a PWF for your Global Health minor Field Work Experience requirement, the registration steps are as follows:

  1. Fill out the Duck Nest Peer Wellness Advocate “Permission to Register for Individualized Study” form linked here.
    • Use the UO Class Schedule to find and fill in the correct course CRN for “GLBL 409” for the academic term you are completing the PWF volunteer work.
  1. Connect with a Global Health-affiliated faculty to serve as your faculty supervisor for your PWF-related individualized study credits. Share your drafted registration form with them, show them this webpage, and let them know of your desire to use your PWF volunteer experience for your Global Health minor Field Work Experience requirement. Ask the faculty if they are willing to supervise you in a individualized study for your Field Work Experience. If they are willing, have them sign the registration form. If the faculty have any questions, let them know they can reach out to the School of Global Studies & Languages Undergraduate Support Team at
  1. Email the fully signed form (including student and faculty signature) to (with faculty on copy).
  1. The School of Global Studies & Languages Undergraduate Support Team will reach out to the Duck Nest to verify your volunteer plans for the term and will be in touch with you about remaining steps required for credit registration upon confirmation.

HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT FILLING OUT THIS FORM?: Contact the School of Global Studies & Languages Undergraduate Support Team at

Confirm your Completed Fieldwork Experience

Upon completion of the “GLBL 409” course for the Global Health minor Fieldwork Experience requirement, students must confirm with the Global Health program that they have completed their experience with a passing grade.

To confirm completion, please visit the “Confirm Completed Experience” program page and fill out the online form linked there.